Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Horny Hump Day - March 7, 2012

Welcome to my HHD post for March 7, 2012.  My selection this week is from my short story Glass Floor Benefits, published on Every Night Erotica way back in June 2010!!  This is the story of Helen Coats, an up-and-coming account executive, and her seduction of the office rookie, who turns the tables (or desk!) on her and develops something special between them!  At this point of the tales, Sam has hidden himself under Helen's desk, and surprised her with his naughty intentions!

*   *   *   *   *   *

She lay back in the chair, riding her ass forward on the seat, and he pulled her closer to him, rubbing the inside of her thighs with his warm, soft palms, stroking her up to the edge of her panties.  She moaned quietly as he ran a finger across the damp cotton covering her hot, wet pussy.  Then he slipped his hands up the inside of her skirt and slowly pulled her panties down, dropping them on the floor next to her discarded shoes.

*   *   *   *   *   *

This is SO much fun. I hope you are enjoying these little snippets as much as I am - delecting a few choice sentences for your delectation!  Don't forget to check out the rest of the snippets at the Horny Hump Day website, and let's have fun!



  1. Lots of tactile stuff there. Wonderful!

  2. This would make going to the office every day much more fun! Can't wait for him to get down to business! Great nibble!

  3. your use of the senses is so nice. i was almost there with them. :D

  4. Very sexy scene! I'd love to have a job like theirs!

  5. You know...All I find are dust-bunnies under my desk. Great snippet!
