Sunday, October 3, 2010

The View From Here...

Here's a little poem I wrote a while back.
Wonder if you can guess what it's about.

The View from Here

Vision arises from the shadowed vale,
Peers through the darkling, dew-damp, musky bush
Beyond which, plains stretch, undulating.
Breeze-shimmered grasses, fine, silvered by light
Cast, wanton, by the sky-high-riding moon.

A dip, central, beshadowed, circled, cold,
Awaits the touch of twilight as it points
Onward, ever further, ever far.

At distance, on the leeward side of light,
A hill and hill, conical, turreted, and silver crowned,
Seem to quiver in the unkempt Night,
Casting back a wave, orgasmic, sensual,
That draws the view back down into
Its dew-damp, darkling, bush-ringed vale.

Let me know what you think!


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